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Shopping for a health plan? Make sure you get what you pay for.


Shopping for a health plan is complicated enough. We don’t want you to get scammed or not get the coverage you need.
Heart in a shopping cart
  1. Be cautious of very low costs

    A very low premium may be a sign of reduced benefits, higher out-of-pocket costs, or bad customer service. To avoid problems:

    • Ask about the deductible, copays, and coinsurance amounts. These are what you’ll pay when you get services. They’re known as out-of-pocket costs.
    • If you want a plan from, call the company to confirm that’s what you’re buying. Some websites or salespeople use terms like “gold,” “silver,” or “bronze” to make plans sound like plans when they’re not.
  2. Be wary of cold calls

    If you didn’t make the call, don’t give the caller your Social Security, Medicare, or credit card numbers. If you’re interested in the health plan, look up the company online to get a phone number. You can also call us at 800-252-3439 for a company’s phone number and to ask if the company is licensed.

  3. Take notes when buying a plan

    When you’re ready to buy a plan, take notes on any calls you have with the company about plan benefits. Write down the person’s name, what they said, the date, and any next steps you need to take.

  4. Don’t be pressured

    Health plans don’t go on sale, so there’s no need to decide in a hurry. If you’re happy with a plan you have through your employer, Medicaid, Medicare, CHIP, or TRICARE, you don’t have to change plans during open enrollment.

    Finally, don't sign anything you haven't read or don't fully understand. Ask a family member, friend, or financial adviser to help you understand anything you don’t.



Questions? Call us at 800-252-3439.

Last updated: 6/11/2024