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Fire Safety Research and Resources

The Texas State Fire Marshal’s Office offers a wide variety of fire safety information on our website. A number of other respected organizations offer an even wider variety of fire-safety related reports and resources for those wishing to gain greater insight into various aspects of fire safety.

Fire Safety Equipment

  • Fire Sprinkler Timeline How long does it take for a fire department to respond to a fire versus the response time of a home sprinkler system? This timeline from the Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition lays it out for you.
  • Smoke Alarms in U.S. Home Fires National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) report includes statistics on home smoke alarm usage, effectiveness, operationality, and home fire fatalities in fires with and without working smoke alarms. Also includes home fire death rate with different combinations of fire protection equipment. Brief discussion of literature on audibility and waking effectiveness.
  • "Out to Alarm Texas" smoke alarm program. Smoke Alarm Installation Survey/Tracking Form (PDF – English). Smoke Alarm Installation Survey/Tracking Form (PDF – Spanish).
  • Texas Cities and Towns with Smoke Alarm programs.
  • U.S. Experience with Sprinklers NFPA report includes statistics on how often sprinklers are reported in fires, by property use, and their estimated impact in reducing the average loss of life and property per fire. Includes statistics on performance, usage and reliability of sprinklers, as well as leading reasons when system fail to operate or operate but are ineffective. Also includes special study statistics on non-fire sprinkler activations.
  • Bringing Safety Home Fire Sprinkler Initiative The NFPA’s Fire Sprinkler Initiative aims to increase the number of new, one- and two-family homes protected by sprinklers and offers a variety of advocacy tools. The related Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition also offers advocacy materials, fact sheets and videos.
  • A horrific tragedy struck the Flatbush Jewish community in New York City over Shabbos, when seven children in one family were killed in a fire. Fire investigators found a smoke detector in the basement of the home, but could find none elsewhere. Hours later, the fire department had set up a table on the corner of the block and distributed pamphlets reminding residents they should have smoke detectors. FDNY news conference on the fire.

Outdoor Fires

Seasonal Fire Safety

Youth- and Older Adult-Oriented Fire and Burn Prevention

Topical fire reports from the United States Fire Administration explore facets of the U.S. fire problem as depicted through data collected in the USFA’s National Fire Incident Reporting System. Most of the following reports, down to the category “People with Disabilities,” are USFA reports (in PDF format) that address the nature of the specific fire or fire-related topic, highlights important findings from the data, and may suggest other resources to consider for further information.

Fire causes

Appliances and electrical




Holiday and seasonal



Where fires occur

Residential buildings

Nonresidential buildings

Who fire impacts

Overall U.S. population

Home fire casualties

People with disabilities


  • Hoarding and Fire Safety from NFPA.
  • Fireworks Information Center CPSC offers reports, facts sheets, statistics and video.
  • Firefighter Safety Research institute Today’s structure fires are very different from those faced by prior generations of firefighters. UL is studying existing firefighter tactics in a number of ways, to help firefighters better understand the likely hazards, to keep them safer and to improve their ability to protect residents and structures.

For more information, contact:

Last updated: 2/8/2024