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Workers' Compensation Research and Evaluation Group - REG

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Texas Labor Code requires the Research and Evaluation Group to conduct professional studies and research related to:

  1. the delivery of benefits;
  2. litigation and controversy related to workers' compensation;
  3. insurance rates and ratemaking procedures;
  4. rehabilitation and reemployment of injured employees;
  5. the quality and cost of medical benefits;
  6. employer participation in the workers' compensation system;
  7. employment health and safety issues; and
  8. other matters relevant to the cost, quality, and operational effectiveness of the workers' compensation system.

Workers' compensation health care networks

The Insurance Code requires REG to develop and issue an informational report card that identifies and compares, on an objective basis, the quality, costs, health care provider availability, and other analogous factors of workers' compensation health care networks operating under the workers' compensation system of this state with each other and with medical care provided outside of networks.

The group may procure services as necessary to produce the report card. The report card must include a risk-adjusted evaluation of:

  1. employee access to care;
  2. return-to-work outcomes;
  3. health-related outcomes;
  4. employee satisfaction with care; and
  5. health care costs and utilization of health care.

Research agenda

Texas Labor Code requires the Commissioner of Insurance to adopt an annual research agenda for the REG at the Texas Department of Insurance (TDI). Section 405.0026, Texas Labor Code, also requires TDI to post a proposed research agenda in the Texas Register for public review and comment and requires the Commissioner of Insurance to hold a public hearing on the research agenda if requested by a member of the public.

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